YouTube will launch “Go Live Together” co-streaming

YouTube stated on its Creator Insider channel and blog that select creators could invite guests to go live alongside them. YouTube’s desktop version won’t support co-streaming, so creators can only use their phones. YouTube aims to offer co-streaming to additional creators.

YouTube will shortly launch Go Live Together co-streaming

Creators can schedule a guest Livestream on their PC and go live on their phones. They can also broadcast live from their phone. You can rotate guests on your Livestream, but only one at a time. After inviting a guest, your stream will appear above theirs.

The “Go Live Together” button will be available to selected creators in the coming weeks. Enter your stream’s title, description, monetization settings, thumbnails, and visibility settings. After selecting “Invite a co-streamer,” makers can choose a guest for their Livestream. The guest will enter a waiting room after clicking the invite. The host presses “Go Live” when everyone is ready.

YouTube guest streams can run ads, but the host keeps the cash. The stream won’t appear on the visitor’s channel, but YouTube says it’s aware that guest channel visibility is crucial, suggesting the capability may be released in the future.

TikTok and Twitch launched co-streaming features before the new addition. TikTok introduced “Multi-Guest” a few weeks ago, allowing hosts to go live with up to five guests in a grid or panel structure. Last week, Twitch released Guest, a tool that will enable streamers to invite other creators and fans for a chat show-like experience. Guest Star lets anyone add five speakers to a stream.

TikTok and Twitch allow co-streaming, unlike YouTube. YouTube may enable producers to go live with numerous individuals as co-streaming is still in its early stages.

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