iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max “increased wait times” due to factory lockout

According to Apple, the facility in China where the business manufactures its products is subject to stringent covid limitations, which has caused the factory to work “at severely reduced capacity.”

The iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max will come with ‘longer wait times’ due to factory lockdown

If you intend to acquire either the iPhone 14 Pro or the iPhone 14 Pro Max, Apple warns you to anticipate “higher wait times.” The firm notes that covid restrictions are harming its iPhone plant in Zhengzhou, China, which is currently “working at considerably reduced capacity.” This information is provided in a news statement issued by the company.

Apple states that there is continuing to be a significant demand for its iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max models. “However, we are now anticipating smaller shipments of iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max than we had originally projected, and customers should anticipate lengthier wait times to get their new products,”

According to a report that was published in October by Reuters, the production of iPhones could drop by at least 30 percent as a result of the stringent covid limitations that are hitting Foxconn, the factory in China that Apple uses to make its new iPhones. Workers at Foxconn were recently compelled to remain inside the building during an outbreak with limited food and supplies for several days, as reported by The New York Times. As a result, workers have been fleeing the facility in droves in an effort to get away from the hazardous conditions.

The business has already started moving some of its production away from China and in September of this year, it started making the iPhone 14 base model in India.

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